about our shows

About our shows on Facemanbob radio 

we try and produce new shows for you when we can we take our shows very seriously when we record our shows they come out on spotify and when we do our shows live they are either on YouTube or Instagram

we have 3 team members 

Bailey-owner of fmbr

Maria- Mia's magic

Steve-Steve's takeover

Maria-pride show 


we pick the songs ourselves but we do take song requests we love taking them 

if its during the morning/afternoon we don't play explicit songs but if its at night we can play what ever song you want if it don't break the radio guidelines 


Our podcast is on our Spotify page called Facemanbob radio podcast where you will be able to listen to our presenters talking about radio, music and much more there is also a chance that members of the Essex community could be on the podcast the email to email if you want to be on the podcast is: bailey.finch.facemanbob-radio@outlook.com